Casio FX-CG50 for IB Maths – A Complete Guide

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The Casio FX-CG50 is the recommended GDC (Graphical Display Calculator) for IB Maths, which ever course you decide to pursue.

You can buy one here.

Using a calculator as complicated as this takes practice.

You must bring the calculator to every lesson and exam, otherwise you will miss valuable practice and fall behind. Students struggle a lot with calculator skills in IB, and it is vital that you spend time getting to know how to use it.

This page is designed to give you all the skills required for the IB Maths A&A or A&I courses.

Videos Lessons on using the GDC!

Analysing Graphs: Finding the maximum, minimum and roots.

Standard Deviation

Regression Lines with the CG50!

CG50 – Evaluating Velocity Integrals

Drawing Graphs

Recursive Sequences
Evaluating Integrals

Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

Binomial Distribution

Using Solve-N to solve any equation!
How to Operate and Reset the Calculator

Solving simultaneous equations.

Solving Equations on Graphs!

Finding Averages, Range and Interquartile Range.

Normal Distribution

Changing between Degrees and Radians!
Sigma Notation