Year 11 Revision Guide

Everything you need to prepare for your GCSE (or IGCSE) maths exams. Below is a full list of topics and resources to revise Year 11 Maths at ease.

Note: This guide follows the Edexcel IGCSE curriculum. Other exam boards vary slightly.

Master the Art of Revision with Addvance Maths!

Complete GCSE Topics

1. Changing the Subject of a Formula

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePractice
Be able to change the subject a formula. Changing the Subject of the Formula VideoChanging the Subject Exam Questions

Mark Scheme for above

2 Algebra

Completing the Square

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePracticeExtension
Revision: Be able to factorise harder quadratics. (Year 10 topic)Factorising Harder QuadraticsFactorising Harder Quadratics Exam Questions

Mark Scheme for above
Revise all of Quadratics
Be able to complete the square for quadratic equations. Completing the Square videoCompleting the Square Transum 1

Completing the Square Transum 2
Completing the Square Exam Questions

Algebraic Proofs

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePracticeExtension
Be able to prove mathematical statements using algebraic logic. Algebraic Proofs VideoAlgebraic Proofs Exam Questions Dr Austin Maths: Show That and Proof Questions

Mark Scheme for Above

Our top tips to improve your revision!

3. Upper and Lower Bounds

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePracticeExtension
Identify the upper and lower bounds on na value after it has been rounded, and express this as an inequality. Upper and Lower Bounds Revision VideoUpper and Lower Bounds Transum

Limits of Accuracy – Corbett Maths
Apply upper and lower bounds to state the degree of accuracy of a calculated value.(see above video)Applying Limits of Accuracy Textbook Questions Limits of Accuracy Exam Questions
Be able to answer a variety of GCSE questions on this topic. Dr Frost Full Coverage: Bounds

Casio ClassWizz Guide

Your calculator is your best friend. Make sure you learn how to use it effectively with our quick and easy guide! 😊

4. Trigonometry

Revise all of GCSE Trigonometry with our dedicated Trigonometry page! 🆕

Trigonometry for Non Right Angles Triangles

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePracticeExtension
Be able to use the Sine Rule to find lengths and angles of non triangles. Sine Rule VideoSine Rule Transum
Be able to use the Sine Rule to find lengths and angles of non triangles. Cosine Rule VideoCosine Rule TransumSine and Cosine Rule Exam Questions
Be able to use the formula for the area of any triangleArea of a Triangle Using Sine VideoArea of Triangle Using Sine TransumArea of any Triangle Worksheet

Grade 7+ Exam Style Questions Video

3D Trigonometry

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePracticeExtension
Be able to visualise the distance and angles inside 3D objects. Geogebra: Diagonal Distance in a Cuboid

Geogebra: Angles in a Cuboid

Geogebra: Angles in a Pyramid

Use the links above to explore the distances and angles inside 3D objects.
Understand how to use Pythagoras to calculate distance in 3D3D Trigonometry VideoTransum: 3D Pythagoras
Understand how to use trigonometry to calculate distances and angles in 3D. See aboveTransum: 3D SOHCAHTOADr Austin Maths 3D Trig Practice

Dr Austin MarkScheme
Solve problems involving trigonometry in 3D shapes. See aboveMathsGenie: 3D Trig

MathsGenie Markscheme

5. Solving Quadratic Equations

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePracticeExtension
Be able to solve a quadratic equations by factorising. Solving quadratic problems videoSolving Quadratics by Factorising Transum 1

Solving Quadratics by Factorising Transum 2
Solving Quadratics by Factorising Exam Questions

Mark Scheme for above
Be able to solve a quadratic using the quadratic formula. Solving Quadratics (Four Different Methods) VideoSolving Quadratics by Factorising Transum 3
Be able to solve quadratics by completing the square. See video above.

Solving Quadratics Revision Poster
The three above activities can also be solved using the completing the square method. Try to solve them again using this method.Solving Quadratics Revision Page
Solve quadratic problems in exam questions. Solving quadratic problems video

Grade 7+ Exam Focus: Quadratic Problems
Exam Practice Curtacy of Maths4Everyone
Be able to solve quadratic simultaneous equations. Solving Quadratic Simultaneous Equations VideoTransum Quadratic Simultaneous EquationsQuadratic Simultaneous Equations MathsGenie

Mark Scheme for above

Revise all of Quadratics equations with our dedicated Quadratics page!

6. Arithmetic Sequences

🆕🎉Arithmetic Series revision page!

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePracticeExtension
Revision: Be able to find the nth term of an arithmetic sequence.Nth term Revision Videonth term transumSequences with Fractions Interwoven Maths
Be able to use the formula for the sum of an arithmetic sequence.Sum of an arithmetic sequence Video.Sum of an Arithmetic Sequence
Be able to solve exam-style problems about arithmetic sequences. (see above video)Exam Style Questions on Arithmetic Sequences Maths Genie

Addvance Maths Exams Questions!

7. Vectors

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePracticeExtension
Know that vectors are like ‘arrows’, they have a magnitude and a direction.

Know that a scalar refers to a simple number which can multiply vectors.
Introduction to Vectors VideoVectors Worksheet
Understand and use vector notation. (see above video)
Be able to do basic operations with vectors, including:
1. Multiplying by a scalar
2. Factorising out a scalar.
3. Be able to add and subtract vectors.
4. Be able to calculate the magnitude of a vector.
(see above video)Vectors Exam Questions
Be able to understand how to split a vector in a given ratio. (see below video)
Solve vector problems from exam questions. Vector Problems Revision Video
Be able to prove geometrical properties using vectors.Vector Proofs Revision VideoVector Proofs MathsGenie

Vector Proofs Exam Mark Scheme
Be able to answer all possible exam questions on the vectors topic. Dr Frost Full Coverage: Vectors

8. Function Notation, Composite Functions and Inverse Functions

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePracticeExtension
Know and use function notation. Functions and Composite Functions VideoIntroduction to Functions Worksheet
Be able to solve problems involving functions. (See video above)
Understand the terms domain and range of a given function. Functions: Domain and Range Revision Video
Be able to find a composite function, and solve problems relating to this. Functions and Composite Functions Video
Be able to find an inverse function. Inverse Functions VideoExam Style Questions on Functions

Dr Frost Full Coverage Functions

Pause: Lets look back… is there something you’ve forgotten?

There are some topics in GCSE Maths that you would have studied back in Year 8, 9 and 10. These are easier topics, but still need to be revised. Check out these key topics below:

9. Graphs

Revise Straight Line Graphs!

Straight Line Graphs are a super important topic, make sure you revise the topic before we continue.

Quadratic, Reciprocal and Trigonometric Graphs

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePractice
Revision: Be able to plot and sketch quadratic and cubic graphs.Plotting Quadratic Graphs

Cubic Graphs Revision Video

Quadratic Graphs Revision Video
Quadratic Graphs Exam Questions
Be able to recognise and plot reciprocal graphs.Reciprocal Graphs VideoReciprocal Graphs Exam Questions
Be able to recognise and plot sine, cosine and tangent graphs.Sin, Cos and Tan Graphs Revision VideoSine and Cos graphs MathsGenie

Note: Exponential Graphs are included here, but are not on the IGCSE exam. Skip the exponential questions if you are doing IGCSE.
Use graphs to solve equations

Know that the intersection of two curves is the solution to simultaneous equations.
Solving Equations on Graphs

Simultaneous Equations on Graphs

Graph Transformations

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePracticeExtension
Be able to sketch and recognise translations of graphs.
Be able to identify the effect adding a constant to the function inside outside of the bracket will have.
Graph Transformations Translations VideoGraph Transformations Practice Questions
Be able to sketch and recognise reflections of graphs.
Be able to identify the effect a negative sign inside or outside of the brackets of a function will have.
Graph Transformations Reflections Video(see above)
Be able to sketch and recognise enlargements of graphs.
Be able to identify the effect multiplying by a constant indie of outside of the brackets of a the function will have.
Graph Transformations Enlargements Video(see above)DrFrost Graph Transformations Worksheet
Be able to identify the effect of 2 transformations on a given function, and sketch the resulting curve. Graph Transformations: Exam Questions Revision Video

Transformations of Trigonometric Graphs Video
Transformations and Combinations of Transformations Transum

Our Grade 7+ Guide for IGCSE and GCSE Maths!

Are you aiming high in GCSE Maths? Want a Grade 7, 8 or 9?
This is where you can find plenty of practice questions for those high level topics!

10. Quadratic Inequalities

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePractice
Solve quadratic inequalities, and represent their solutions as an inequality or on a number line. Quadratic Inequalities VideoTransum Quadratic Inequalities

Quadratic Inequalities Corbett Maths

11. Differentiation

Note: Grade 4-6 students will struggle with the majority of this topic, however the first Learning Objective could be easy marks on the exam. The later sections of this topic are probably not worth practicing unless you are aiming for a Grade 8 or 9.

Learning ObjectiveRevision ResourcePracticeExtension
Be able to differentiate polynomials. Introduction to Differentiation VideoDifferentiation Practice Transum

Differentiation Practice 2 Transum
Be able to find the gradient of a tangent by differentiating.(see video above)
Be able to find stationary points by differentiation. Stationary Points Revision Video
Be able to find the maximum or minimum of a value through differentiation. Differentiation: Optimisation Video
Apply differentiation to kinematics and to other simple practical problems. Differentiation: KinematicsDifferentiation IGCSE Questions Maths4Everyone

(select Calculus in the drop down menu, then scroll to the differentiation questions)

That’s all folks!

That’s the end of Year 11 Maths. You have now studied everything that could appear in IGCSE Maths. Well done!

It’s now time to revise weak topics and practice past papers. Good luck in your exams!

Further Maths?

Are you doing Further maths GCSE?
This is the revision guide for you, specifically for AQA Further Maths.

For more extension activities, please visit our UKMT resources page.
We also have a general page for more revision resources.

We hope this was useful, however we’d also appreciate your feedback.

Need help revising?

Aiming high? Check out these Grade 7+ Exam focus videos.

Have you revised everything?
You should now practice some Past Papers. You can find some here.

Disclaimer: This is a just a guide. Some schools may follow a different curriculum, and may teach different topics in different years. Addvance Maths is not responsible for content on external websites.

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